hello april

I hope everyone had a great Easter weekend! I’ve been off since Friday (took my furlough day, thank you State of CA) and today is a holiday due to the observance of Cesar Chavez Day. It was a pretty productive weekend. I had early wake up calls every day and didn’t get to sleep in at all! And if you know me, I LOVE to sleep! Lol. Anyway, we did just a bunch of random stuff…workout, of course, go out to eat, a visit to the mall for shopping, lots of relaxing and today we saw G.I. Joe: Retaliation and it was SO good! I love and am so obsessed with Dwayne Johnson (aka The Rock)! Yesterday was Easter so I went to church with my parents and nieces then just had a get-together with extended family.

Happy Easter from me and Will!

Anyway, today was a great start to a new month. No April Fool’s here! Will and I hit our morning workout where I ran a 5K on the treadmill (did intervals and it KICKED my butt!). Here are summaries of running and cardio totals for the month of March. It was my best month for me so far since dealing with my sciatica stuff. Pretty happy with the results!


Also, I’m at a total weight loss of 7lbs for the year so far. My goal by my birthday is 27lbs total so I’m glad to be 7lbs into my goal! I am one for losing weight slowly and surely–it works best for me because I am able to successfully keep it off! I can’t wait to keep progressing.