hey it’s may!

So i’m a little late for saying “hello” to May on my blog! It’s been eventful so far and will continue to be so until the end of the month… a couple First Communions, one of my best girlfriend’s wedding celebration is at the end of the month (and lots of other fun wedding stuff in between) and unfortunately a lot more people leaving where I work by the end of the month so lots of “goodbye” things too. Anyway, this past weekend was my niece Gracie’s First Communion. Since my sister and her family live in San Francisco, we journeyed over there to her celebration Mass and party–which was Cinco de Mayo themed!

Gracie's special day!

Gracie’s special day!



Gracie with grandma & grandpa (my parents)

Gracie with grandma & grandpa (my parents)

Getting party preparations done!

Getting party preparations done!

Gracie is quite the character and since she’s the “littlest” of all the “big” cousins, she stands out for me in a very special way…(sshh, don’t tell my other nieces and nephews–of course, they’re all special to me :P). As a baby, I was so gaga over her, it was ridiculous. Even to this day, I think we still have that relationship and her sweetness to me just makes me so happy. Well, it was so cute and I’m SO smitten over how that transpired to her and Will’s growing relationship on Saturday. I was so busy Saturday that I didn’t get a lot of time to sit down with her and play and do my auntie duties so she hung out with Will (of course until the other kids got to the party). He told me that she kept finding things for them to do…they played on the Wii, thumb and arm wrestled, played games, she even tried to teach him the “cup song” from Pitch Perfect (Anna Kendrick’s You’re Gonna Miss me”) and sang the whole song to him. I just thought it was the cutest thing! She would even tell her mom/my sister, “I’m spending time with Uncle Will” whenever she asked her to do something…lol. I even noticed it because they came into the kitchen for a snack together and she was waiting for him to get his plate together so they could go outside and eat. I even mentioned something along the lines of, “You guys are like BFFs now!” I didn’t know exactly they did while I was preoccupied so when he told me that story it made my heart melt because they are two of my favorite people in the world πŸ™‚
Uncle Will & Gracie <3

Uncle Will & Gracie ❀

Saturday was so much fun getting to spend time with my family and the kids! It's so hard for us to get together like that all the time so I really cherish it when we do. Makes my heart happy!

will the beast

This is my boyfriend, Will. His Tough Mudder team from last year gave him the nickname “Will D Beast” as a mash up of his first name, middle initial and the fact that he’s such a beast when it comes to fitness. He really is though. I’ve witnessed his transformation in the last year+ and it amazes me. It inspires me! It motivates me!

He wasn’t really one who was that out of shape or unhealthy. In fact when we first started dating 3.5+ years ago, I could say he was pretty fit. But of course as we got into dating, we loved going out to eat and splurging when it came to food. We didn’t work out as much as we should have so I think around the same time I realized I needed to make a lifestyle change, he did too.

Like me, he started to eat healthier, increase working out and it was all due to discipline and perseverance. (And I’m telling you, when it comes to those two things, he’s the Master!) He really has helped me this last year and a half in my journey in losing weight and trying to be fit. It comes naturally for him now whereas for me, I sometimes slip and he totally calls me on it. It’s not easy to hear sometimes and I know he does it out of his good and loving heart so I take it well…(mostly πŸ™‚ ).

He’s probably going to kill me for posting those pics of him but oh well! Sometimes I’ll be at work working away when I get a picture he sends me of himself to my phone and it brings a smile to my face cus well obviously they are quite flattering and it’s so cute that he shares his proud moments of progress with me.

I’m so very proud of him. Last year Tough Mudder was a huge motivator for him and even though he hasn’t signed up this year yet, he’s working hard to keep his fitness level up. It’s quite beneficial to have someone at your side who is on the same page as you on wanting to be healthy and fit! And let me tell you, this man can cook!!! I know I can cook but I honestly prefer when he does it because he has some kind of magic touch. For example last night for out post-workout dinner, he made me pan-fried salmon seasoned with a little garlic salt and Furikake. It was deeeelicious! See for yourself πŸ™‚ 20130328-182510.jpg
And of course, there are many, many other reasons why I’m lucky to have Will as my boyfriend! But I’m very thankful for his motivation and encouragement that has helped me get to where I am today.

four day weekends are the best!

…Especially when it involves time with Will in San Francisco, family bonding and foooood!

I was born in SF and my heart belongs to this wonderful city. Whenever I’m able to spend some time in The City, it’s such a treat. On Friday, Will and I crossed the bridge for an adventure. We went into Japantown, explored, ate and shopped. We LOVE Daiso…everything is $1.50! We had lunch at Kushi Tsuro which was amazing and found frozen Takoyaki at Njinya Supermarket that we can’t wait to have for Lenten Friday this week. We also had a delicious snack at Belly Good Cafe & Crepes! Yummy boba and adorable crepe πŸ™‚
Then we went into the Haight-Ashbury area to check out consignment shops. It’s our latest hobby! We’ve been able to find a lot of great things and Friday, I splurged a little on a matching vintage Gucci wallet and purse. I love ’em and it was actually Will who spotted it πŸ™‚ We went to Cha Cha Cha for dinner, which is one of our favorite spots in SF. As always, SF never disappoints!Β 20130218-205836.jpg
My sisters came to visit us this weekend πŸ™‚ I always love seeing the kids and spending time with family. Of course, with family time comes really good food. My sister Rose and I cooked Saturday dinner which consisted of pan-fried swai fillets and her specialty garlic noodles (just like Crustacean’s and Thanh Long’s in the City). We all watched Pitch Perfect and little Abby Rose slept in my bed with me! She’s so cute…can’t explain how much I love this little girl πŸ™‚

(Abby Rose eating rice cereal for the first time!)

On Sunday we went to church, watched my niece’s basketball game, took the kiddies to the park and of course, ate more delicious food! My mom made her specialty kare-kare (a Filipino curry/stew type of dish made with a peanut butter sauce, oxtail and veggies) and ukoy (a fried patty made of bean sprouts, shrimp and tofu). I was so stuffed on Sunday! I was so sad to see my sisters and the kids go that night 😦 It’s so rare we all get to spend time together, I hope it won’t be too long ’til next time!20130218-211622.jpg20130218-211657.jpg20130218-211705.jpg20130218-211740.jpg
Today, in an attempt to burn off some of the delicious food I ate this weekend, I went for a run. Boy was I sluggish! Every bite I took these last four days slowed me down, lol. It didn’t help either that I hadn’t worked out since Wednesday night. I did finish a 5K, ran some errands and went to the gym to do some strength workouts and the exercises my PT wants me to do. I’ve gotta get back on track this week again! Going to take it up a notch for the last week of the month πŸ™‚

lenten season

I can’t believe Lent is already here. I wasn’t able to get my ashes today and I mindlessly ate 2 slices of bacon this morning for breakfast. I’ve been really busy and my brain has been super pre-occupied so it kind of slipped my mind. No excuse though and I feel bad 😦 Anyway, I’m not really giving up anything for 40 days or 40 nights. It’s so hard to find vices to give up since I really don’t have many when it comes to food, which is what most people give up–sweets, chocolate, fast food, etc. My nieces were joking that I should give up spinach and go back to eating bad…it actually made me chuckle, especially with them saying I’m too healthy now πŸ™‚ oops I’m digressing…well, instead I’ve decided to dedicate blog posts to God—writing to Him, thanking him, prayers, experiences–basically anything related to Him. I’m going to try to pour my heart out so I may not be able to publish certain posts for public viewing. So here’s my first post to start this off with…

I love the scripture “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” -Phillippians 4:13. This scripture rings very true to my life, especially this last year and some months. I know I couldn’t have changed my lifestyle if it weren’t from the strength I asked for from God. He planted a dream in my heart and only because of Him was I able to even begin to try to work for it.

At first my doubts were strong, I was ready to face failure as I had in the past. If it wasn’t for my faith in God and myself, I would’ve quit but like the scripture, Matthew 19:26, “Jesus looked at them and said, β€œWith man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible,” I knew I could do it because I had Him by my side. I really do remember times where I was in the middle of a really hard workout (especially when I was doing CrossFit) and telling God in my heart, please just get me through this workout! Often when I go on runs, especially outside and in nature, I check in with God and it helps to clear my mind even more. I thank Him for my strength, the beautiful surroundings and the peace and serenity I get from running.

1 Corinthians 6:19 says, “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own.” This means that my physical body has a sacred connection with God so I have to treat it well, nourish it and take care of it. I wasn’t honoring God by taking my body for granted, “poisoning” myself with junk, processed and disease-causing food and not exercising to better my health. God has blessed the earth with an abundance of delicious natural foods to nourish our bodies with and we ruin them by adding all kinda of preservatives and chemicals. I’m not a completely “clean” eater, not a vegan by any means, but for the most part I have taken the natural and organic path when it comes to what I eat, cook and even feed to others. Plus, he gave me a body that is capable of so much…I vowed to use this blessing to be as active as I could until I couldn’t be anymore.

Changing my habits that affected my health helped unfold so much more than just weight loss. I was able to gain confidence while challenging myself and inspiring others. I connected with many others through my lifestyle change which brought friendships into my life. Other areas also improved–my relationships with others, my attitude about life and really valuing the purpose of bettering my life.

Everyday I thank God for the amazing Gift of Life, especially mine which allows me to give to others, serve Him and embrace some wonderful opportunities and experiences. I not only express in words my gratitude, but make sure to take care of the life I have by staying healthy, active and in touch with my body.